About Genpact:Genpact is a global leader in transforming and running business processes and operations, including those that are complex and industry-specific. Genpact stands for Generating Impact.
Website: www.genpact.com
Drive Date: 29th March 2014
Qualification:B.Tech(IT , CS, ECE, EEE)/B.Com/MBA(Finance)/BA/B.Com/B.Sc
Experience: Freshers
Batches:2012 2013 2014
Salary: Best In Industry
Candidate Profile:
- Candidate should be B.Tech/MBA/BA/B.Com/B.Sc/B.Com
- Good Communication Skills
Venue Details:
Chandigarh Group of College Jhanjheri, Mohali Chandigarh
Chandigarh Group of College Jhanjheri, Mohali Chandigarh